Town of Sahuarita Rolling Thunder Car Show & Parade

  • July 04, 2023
  • 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM (MST)
  • Sahuarita Town Hall

Registration is closed

Town of Sahuarita 4th of July Rolling Thunder Parade and Car Show

On Tuesday, July 4th the Town of Sahuarita will be holding our annual Independence Day event Sahuarita Stars & Stripes at our Town Hall complex (375 W Sahuarita Center Way). One of the components of this event is the Rolling Thunder Parade and Car Show, and we would love to get some of your club members signed up to participate and show off their cars! Registration is only $5 per vehicle and will be open until June 25th (or until we reach our maximum of 50 vehicles). Participation in Rolling Thunder will require arriving around 3-3:30pm for staging and staying for the duration of the event (5-9pm). Sahuarita Stars & Stripes is one of our four big signature events with plenty to do and see, and we are anticipating over 15,000 attendees this year!

The Rolling Thunder Parade and Car Show guidelines (with more information) can be found HERE.

Online registration can be completed HERE.

Please contact me if you have any questions, or you can reach out to our Special Events Coordinator Lacey Simmons at or (520) 822-8896. For registration assistance you can call (520) 445-7850 to speak with a staff member. You can also find out more information about our department and Sahuarita Stars & Stripes at

To RSVP to the Car Nuts Click the Register Button to the left. To register your vehicle for the parade and car show use the Here links above.

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