The waitlist is now in effect.
Your registration confirmation is your ticket to the show. You are entitled to one guest. That guest must accompany you onto the show grounds. General admission to the show opens at 10:00 am. Admission is $5 person children 12 and under are free.
Additional information can be found on our Car Show web page.
Day of Registration is limited to 20 cars due to parking space on the Soccer Fields. Registration Forms will be provided beginning at 9:15 am at Show Registration. Park your vehicle in spectator parking until you have registered. No Day of Registrations will be processed prior to 9:15 am.
Preregistered vehicles have entry priority. Once you have parked on the show grounds on the proper field and row number corresponding to your vehicle's classification you may proceed to the registration booth. There will be a separate day of registration queue.
All registration sales are final beginning January 25th. No refunds less administrative fees will be made after close of business January 25th.
Click for Car Show Classifications
Thank you for registering for the 27th Annual SCVCN Car Show. Order confirmations will be resent on Thursday, January 27th. Print the most recent confirmations and bring them to the show. You can also the Wild Apricot Member Phone App to track your registration and merchandise you may have purchased. You will need your tickets and order confirmations in order to gain access to the event grounds on Saturday the 29th of January beginning at 8:00 a.m. with your vehicle(s) and collect your T-Shirt orders. If you ordered multiple tickets, you will need to bring all tickets and confirmations.
Be sure you print your confirmations and have them ready at the entrance to the staging area. If you don't have this information, you may be asked to drive to a holding area until your name and vehicle can be verified.
Show Car Staging Area Arrival Schedule
No Show Car arrivals before 8:00 am. Arrive according to the schedule below.
Class 1 Collector Car (OVM) 1900-1939 8:00 am Red Field
Class 2 Collector Car (OVM) 1940-1959 8:15 am Red Field
Class 3 Collector Car (OVM) 1960-1974 8:30 am Red Field
Class 4 British 8:40 am Red Field
Class 5 Corvette 8:50 am Red Field
Class 6 German 9:00 am Red Field
Class 7 Mustang 9:10 am Red Field
Class 8 Porsche 9:20 am Red Field
Class 9 Thunderbird 9:30 am Red Field
Class 10 High Performance Stock 2019-22 8:00 am Blue Field
Class 11 Resto-Mod 1920-1939 8:15 am Blue Field
Class 12 Resto-Mod 1940-1954 8:30 am Blue Field
Class 13 Resto-Mod 1955-1964 8:40 am Blue Field
Class 14 American Muscle 8:50 am Blue Field
Class 15 Sports Cars 9:00 am Blue Field
Class 16 Rat Rods 9:10 am Blue Field
Class 17 Replica Cars 9:20 am Blue Field
Class 18 Car Nuts Corral 9:30 am Blue Field
No one should arrive earlier than 8:00 am.
The North Entrance to Quail Creek Veterans Municipal Park off South Old Nogales Highway in the Town of Sahuarita will be used by Emergence Vehicles Only.
All Show Cars and Spectators must enter the Park via the South Entrance. You will then be directed to trailer parking, show car parking and spectator parking.
For additional questions email sahuaritashow@gmail.com.